Veteran and Military Services

The Office of Veteran and Military Services is dedicated to eliminating the barriers to education encountered by veterans and service members. We thank those students with military experience and combat training by providing them with a supportive environment and the tools and resources to successfully traverse the bridge between military service and a fulfilling college experience.

Addressing Barriers

We help address:

  • Information barriers by providing a go-to person who is available to walk you through any problem you encounter on campus
  • Financial barriers by providing the most up-to-date information about military benefits
  • Educational barriers by clearly posting the policies for Students Called to Duty, and increasing resources for tutoring for military students
  • Injury and trauma-related barriers by increasing access to mental health and disability services support, advocacy, and accommodations
  • Cultural barriers by providing professional development workshops/training for administration, faculty, and staff on personal/mental health issues specific to Veterans

Services Offered

  • Access to computers and the internet
  • Referrals to tutoring services offered throughout 博彩网站 in most academic areas
  • Referrals to outside counseling services
  • Use of the Veterans and Service Members Lounge on campus in the Ira H. Rubenzahl Student Learning Commons (B19), room 135

Government and Support Websites


Ira H. Rubenzahl Student Learning Commons (B19), Room 241


Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.